Monday, October 18, 2010

Beetle Nut

Beetle nut, known as siripina to the locals, is a mild stimulant (think caffeine) and suppresses appetite. Chewing beetle nut requires 3 different pieces. The first is the siripina itself, which looks like reddish-brown nuts. The next part is a stick-like thing that you use to put lime (yup...ground up limestone) into your mouth with the siripina.

All of this is chewed together and causes you to produce an obscene amount of bright red salvia. People in Sumba chew beetle nut constantly. The streets and front porches here are covered with red splotches from people spitting their red salvia. Chris, of course, had to try it. Esty purchased some for him at the market for the bargain price of 3000 rupiah (33 cents). His normally pristine white teeth were instantly turned red and his lips were painted scarlet. 

He has since tried it several more times. I think he is hoping that it will taste better. It didn’t. Since, Chris seems to be game to chew it every once in awhile. Esty keeps some around the house. She seems to really enjoy chewing it. 


I am not sure what people like about it. I have not yet tried it, and I am not sure I will. All of the spitting is a little too much for me. Almost everyone here chews beetlenut, and they carry all the necessary components around in little satchels. It is easy to spot those who makan siripina and those who do not. With any sort of prolonged use, the siripina stains your teeth a grotesque shade of burnt sienna. (Thank you Bob Ross and The Joy of Painting for my extensive knowledge of burnt sienna and its many hues.) Eventually, it kills your teeth turning them black. As Chris found out, repeated brushing is required to remove the Bob Ross burnt sienna after even just one use.

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